Ms. Nix celebrated the Winter Solstice with us on last night's Show # 40, dropping a set between her comrades Jasmine Solano and Martina McFlyy. It was lovely to have these three women join us as we pushed the show almost to the 5-hour mark.

Ms. Nix grew up in Toronto, Canada and in Jamaica. She is somewhat of a renaissance woman, beginning her career as a child actor and later moved to Hollywood. It was during this time that she began to get into music professionally, first picking up DJing as a hobby. Check her mixtape Idyll Awhile -- it's a REFRESH favorite. You can catch her playing all over, often in NYC and L.A. Check her website for more info.

Listen to or download her set here

Listen to the full Show # 40 to hear our interviews with Jasmine, Nix and Martina.

(Go to 2:40:08 in the full show for Ms. Nix's individual interview)